
Justin Terry – The Future of Anglicanism

Justin Terry’s lecture at Ridley Melbourne was wide ranging and extremely helpful. Justin is a positivist so it was great to hear of the remarkable growth in the Diocese of London and along what he called the ‘trade routes’ of the UK. While large parts of the Church of England are in decline there have been as many new plants as church closures. An amazing work has happened in and through larger churches planting and planting again as well as the explosion of mission through migrant churches in the UK. What are our trade routes and how are we following this Biblical pattern for mission?

Justin had some great insights into the challenge of mission in an increasingly secular society. His analysis of the shift back to paganism was very insightful.

Justin talked about the complex scene in the Anglican Communion. He linked this in with his framework for understanding who makes up the Anglican Communion.
i.    Progressives: Dominant in US, Canada and New Zealand and to some measure found across other parts including Australia.
ii.    Unaligned: This group is often swayed by the response of others
iii.    Global South: Includes Egypt, Middle East, Indian Ocean, Southern Cone of America, South East Asia, Sudan and Nigeria.
iv.    The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans: Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, Southern Cone and parts if the West.
In the midst of this complex mix Justin urged us to
1.    Maintain a strong commitment to Theological Training
2.    Address Secularism
3.    Maintain a commitment to the Anglican Church – it has a lot to commend it and in spite of the obvious tensions, is a denomination with a sound theological basis and an open approach to the question to the different ways people are seeking to be Christian. He even told us that it’s trendy to be Anglican in the US today!

Stephen Hale
